Medical systems

EBATINCA has decades of combined experience in the field of Medical Image Computing (MIC). We are proud collaborators of different institutions including large hospitals, prestigious universities, and private companies, moving their projects forward since 2020.

Medical Image Computing Research

We provide support for academic research for public institutions.

Slicer heart

Researchers at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) work on addressing a wide range of issues around congenital heart diseases, focusing on the visualization, quantification, and computational modeling of congenitally abnormal heart structures using multi-modality 3D imaging. 
Children with congenital heart disease have a broad range of anatomy, and there are few readily available (commercial) tools to facilitate image-based structural phenotyping and patient specific planning of interventions. As such, the lab develops and applies custom tools built upon open-source platforms to help answer critical questions in this unique population. The group leverages medical image processing, machine learning, finite element analysis, computer-aided design, virtual reality, and 3D printing to achieve these goals. 
Ebatinca collaborates with CHOP by creating critical infrastructure for their work to be based on, as well as creating end-user modules to assist in planning and evaluation. The created tools have helped save the lives of many children already. 

Spine strength analysis

A research group at the Harvard affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center works on improving the quality of life of cancer patients by estimating the safe load on the spinal column for each patient based on medical imaging.
Ebatinca has created a series of software modules that compute physical characteristics of each vertebra in the spine, estimating the stress they can take before failure. This helps the clinicians establishing safe guidelines for each patient, and to learn more about the physical behavior of the spinal column after damage inflicted by nearby cancer.

Custom solutions

We develop commercial applications based on the 3D Slicer platform for companies.


Verdure Imaging Technologies (California, USA) works towards an AI-based diagnostic imaging solution of the spine based on ultrasound instead of the traditional X-Ray based imaging, which puts a radiation burden on the patients. Since the majority of the scoliosis patients are children, it is especially important to save them from harmful radiation. Their product, called SpineUs, uses a wireless ultrasound probe, which takes the thousands of pictures generated during the scan and interprets them in an accurate 3D image of the patients spine in real time.
Ebatinca has been assisting Verdure Imaging since its inception with developing the software that acquires the ultrasound sequence, interprets its content, and evaluates the result.

certis viewer

Certis Therapeutics (France) has developed minimally invasive therapy solutions based on real-time MRI guidance. Their technology aims to improve both the efficacy and the safety of thermal ablation treatments, which is a non-invasive technique for treating tumors by heating the cancerous tissue via a needle introduced into the body.
Ebatinca has been working with Certis Therapeutics since its foundation. We created the end-user application that the clinician uses for planification, intervention, and post-treatment evaluation, so the complete cycle of an ablation treatment.

Dent.AI 3D Guide

Dent.AI Medical Imaging (Hungary) provide a dental planning solution using realistic virtual 3D models to enhance surgical planning process with high quality 3D models acquired with AI-driven automatic segmentation. Their software helps reduce the timeframe of image processing, and the novel universal guide design avoids the need for expensive surgical guide kit for every implant system, thus saving resources for the dentist spends on every patient.
Ebatinca has created the entire software solution for Dent.AI, and works with the company to receive regulatory approval and enter the market.


Researchers at the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, D.C. worked with Ebatinca on a new method for treating clubfoot in newborns. Traditionally, plaster is applied manually on the feet to do a small correction, which then are cut off with a saw and a new set is put on, repeated several times. This process is subjective, relies on the experience and dexterity of the clinician, makes numerous personal visits necessary, and the saw may hurt the feet themselves. Instead a series of automatically generated meshes are 3D printed and sent to the patient’s parents, who can apply the treatment at home, completely safely.

Belter ERA4TB

This project was an example of developing a simple 3D Slicer based custom application for lightweight and user-friendly viewing of imaging data. The University of Carlos III in Madrid was involved in a European scale project related to tuberculosis and COVID-19, and needed an easy-to-use viewer application for their PET-CT data with basic measurement capabilities. Ebatinca created the viewer based on the open-source platform in a few weeks.

Clinical simulation

We develop training system solutions for medical procedures through simulation.


Diagnostic ultrasound is an imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to generate images of internal anatomical structures. Ultrasound images can provide valuable information for diagnosing and treating a variety of diseases and conditions.

Real-time ultrasound guidance has become the standard of practice in a variety of needle insertion procedures including central venous catheterization, peripheral nerve blocks, and biopsies. Ultrasound guidance is useful for real-time visualization of the target and surrounding structures. However, lack of training may prevent clinicians from using ultrasound imaging to its potential.

Ebatinca is currently developing a low-cost training platform for ultrasound imaging and ultrasound-guided procedures in low- and middle-income countries. We are developing a customized software application to assess the performance of users during ultrasound image acquisition and ultrasound-guided procedures


A medical phantom is a device or object used to simulate human tissue or organs for the purposes of medical research, training, and calibration of medical imaging devices. Medical phantoms are designed to mimic the physical and sometimes the biological properties of real human tissues and organs, allowing healthcare professionals to practice procedures, conduct experiments, and ensure the accuracy of diagnostic equipment without needing to use actual human bodies. Such accuracy can be either anatomical or acoustic, in the particular case of phantoms which are meant to be used for training in ultrasound-guided procedures. Anatomical accuracy ensures that the phantom accurately represents the size, shape, and structure of human organs or tissues, while acoustic accuracy ensures that the phantom mimics how sound waves interact with tissues, which is crucial for effective ultrasound training.

At Ebatinca, we manufacture phantoms by undertaking a comprehensive process that includes the study of materials, the 3D design, and the assembly of the final product. Our phantoms are customized solutions tailored to each specific use case. This involves selecting materials that best replicate the desired tissue acoustic properties, designing the phantom using advanced 3D modeling techniques to ensure precise anatomical and functional accuracy, and meticulously assembling the components to create a high-fidelity training tool. By offering bespoke solutions, we ensure that our phantoms meet the unique needs of each application, providing healthcare professionals with reliable and effective tools for education, research, and equipment calibration.

virtual hospital

A virtual hospital is an innovative training facility designed to provide future healthcare professionals with a comprehensive, immersive educational experience. It replicates the environment and scenarios of a real hospital, allowing students and trainees to practice and refine their skills in a controlled, realistic setting. It integrates advanced simulation systems, including medical phantoms and cutting-edge technology, to create a dynamic and interactive learning space.

The simulation systems in a virtual hospital encompass various technologies, including high-fidelity manikins, virtual reality (VR), and augmented reality (AR). High-fidelity manikins can simulate human physiological responses, such as breathing, heartbeat, and even complex medical conditions, providing a lifelike platform for practicing emergency interventions and routine medical procedures. VR and AR technologies further enhance the training experience by allowing students to engage in virtual scenarios that replicate real-life medical emergencies and patient interactions.